Having non-negotiables means not allowing anyone to take your true core away. This isn’t just about having boundaries, it means driving your stake in the ground that supports your solid self. Your stance is the framework made of non-negotiables that house your true self. It will define your character.
Non-negotiables are things you are no longer willing to negotiate about yourself because that sh*t didn’t work. Having non-negotiables means drawing new lines with a Sharpie, not with chalk.
By drawing those lines, you are telling yourself you have worth. Even if you are unsure of your value, having non-negotiables will protect you from events or people who strip you of your sense of value.
In theory, no one can take away your value but yourself. In practice, however, we allow others to take away our value all the time. Having non-negotiables circumvents this possibility and cultivates self-protection, which in turn fosters growth. Most people negotiate more than they realize. Then they wake up one day and wonder why they’re so unhappy.
Let’s do a quick experiment. Take out a piece of paper. Make columns for each part of your life. Friends, work, family, and your relationship or your last relationship. In the columns, write down all the things you have been negotiating. Really think about this.